Re: New task force member, Eiso Chan

Hi, all.

I am Eiso. I am working for Culture and Art Publishing House now, and I am also the individual expert in IRG, helping China, UK and Việt Nam for their CJKUI encoding works.

I am happy that I can join the CLREQ works in future.

---- Replied Message ----
| From | Fuqiao Xue<> |
| Date | 08/07/2023 下午1:39 |
| To | public-clreq-admin<> |
| Subject | New task force member, Eiso Chan |
Please welcome Eiso, based in Beijing, to the group.

Eiso, if you want to, feel free to introduce yourself on this list
and let us know what you'd like to achieve as part of the group.


Received on Monday, 7 August 2023 23:27:31 UTC