Re: Volunteers needed to work on action plans

Hi all,

On 03/05/2013 14:54 , Dominique Hazael-Massieux wrote:
> * I will take the lead on an action plan to help drive offline support
> in Web apps faster; (I would welcome someone else stepping up on that
> one though — Robin? Tobie?)

Do we actually need an action plan? The way I see it, the one critical 
item here is to ship NavCon. So my proposed action plan would be:

• Alex has enough bandwidth to shepherd NavCon: let him and the crew 
around it keep going;
• If not: jump in and help.

> * Functional Web / Web Intents / Web Activities: Robin? Anssi? Mounir?

I keep hearing that this is mostly stuck on UX issues needing ironing 
out. If that's indeed still the case, I don't know what this here gang 
can do. If there's anything else that can be done, then I'm all ears. 
Using an OS that doesn't support intents feels daft; we need to bring 
that goodness to the Web.

> * App-cache post-mortem: Tobie? Myself?

I don't think that that's high priority but it can be dispatched 
quickly, I'll do it.

> * Developer tools: Robin? Alex? Yehuda? Wayne?

I'm not the right person for this, the tools required for my development 
style were procured the day console.log was introduced ;)

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Monday, 6 May 2013 13:29:58 UTC