Re: For chairs sick of chairing

On 05/04/2013 20:01 , Karl Dubost wrote:
> The chair training curriculum [1] for now gives information about how
> to understand and participate to the role, but not really how to
> quit. Maybe it is out of scope. If not I see at least these following
> points:
> * My affiliation will change, what should I do?
 > * I'm lost,
> depressed, and don't know how to handle this chairing anymore, who is
> the person I can talk to at W3C for finding a solution.
 > * I want to
> give up on the role. (The job is too stressful, I don't have the will
> to do it, etc.)
> Not even sure there is a proper way of doing it.

I don't think that there's a documented way of doing it, but having done 
it several time I would hope that I at least tried to be proper!

I would say that the first line contact for all of the above is "talk to 
your team contact". If you don't already have a good relationship with 
your team contact, then there's a problem broader than you wanting to 
step down.

Overall, IMHO the key to stepping down relatively cleanly is to give the 
team (and if possible the group) as much notice as possible. The rest is 
just ad hoc logistics.

Chairs do indeed get discouraged, depressed, and burnt out. Would it be 
useful for them to be able to discreetly talk to seasoned chairs in such 
cases? I know I'd volunteer for the hotline, but I'm not sure if it 
would really work.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Monday, 8 April 2013 10:10:09 UTC