Math WG response to November 22 2006 drafts of WICD Core and CDRF (with corrected subject line!)

We have reviewed the latest (November 22, 2006) drafts of the Compound
Document <>  Format Core 1.0 and
Compound <>  Document by Reference
Framework 1.0 documents, and the reservations we expressed previously (here
<>  and here
<> ) remain
unaddressed in them.


We want to acknowledge and thank you again for the useful conversations and
correspondence we've had with you on the subject of layout and size
negotiation for non-scalable child documents. We're still hopeful that some
language can be inserted in the CDRF document to deal with this, or at least
to indicate as a definite requirement that it needs to be addressed (for
instance, in the Compound Document by Inclusion recommendations), though we
recognize the difficulties may prevent any complete resolution in this


If you can't find any way to address our concerns in the documents, we'll
have to renew our objection and ask that mention of MathML as an example of
formats dealt with by CDF be removed from this version, as we've indicated
previously. In either case, we do look forward to working with you to
resolve these issues, and perhaps also to create a Profile for CDF involving
MathML. Please let us know whenever we can be of assistance to you.


Thanks very much,

Ron Ausbrooks

Writing on behalf of the Math Working Group

Received on Tuesday, 19 December 2006 23:36:26 UTC