OASIS/ISO Open Document XML file formats

How is the Compound Document work different from the OASIS/ISO Open 
Office TC work?  As far as i can tell, the only difference is that the 
OASIS/ISO specification doe snot yet include "XML events".  But their 
charter specifically states inclusion and compliance with other emerging 
XML specifications.  For instance, the OASIS/ISO spec includes 
provisions for XForms, SVG, XHTML, and SMiL.  

The upcoming release of OpenOffice.org 2.0 will include XForms, SVG, and 
SMiL.  XHTML has long been a staple of the very advanced XSLT 
transformation sets OOo offers.  With the 2.0 version of OOo, the 
Impress presentation component will  offer SVG with SMiL time lines, 
enabling average end users to create Flash like applications.

It would seem to me that the OASIS/ISO specification is describes an XML 
compound document in the that most traditional sense of the "compound 
document" meaning.  The spec is not just about combining different XML 
formats and services.  It's about combining different applications 
services into a single document.  A common task expected of all "Office 
Productivity Suites".

Do you feel that the OASIS/ISO spec is too complex?  Do you disagree 
with the structure and implementation model?  Is there something 
essential that is missing?  Your comments are most appreciated.   And 
thanks for your consideration,


OpenOffice.org volunteer serving on the OASIS/ISO Open Document TC

Received on Sunday, 21 November 2004 20:58:14 UTC