Firefox canvas scroll into view bug.


I updated the defect to include proper scrolling into view.

The way to test this is to run MSAA inspect 32.

Load the test file into your browser. Have the canvas element scrolled off
the screen by resizing the window. Tab to the canvas element. You will see
that it does not fully scroll into view.

Move your mouse over the object and look at the inspect window. while the
window is still pointing at the canvas element move your mouse over to the
inspect 32 app and navigate to the first descendant and you will see that
the location and dimensions are wrong. The height is still the height of
the anchor tag in fallback content. The top, left position is that of the
canvas element itself and not the focus ring. The width is also not

It also does not scroll to the top of the window when you tab to the
fallback element.


Rich Schwerdtfeger

Received on Monday, 16 February 2015 16:00:50 UTC