Re: Request to re-open issue 131 -USE CASES, USE CASES, USE CASES

> On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 1:35 AM, Charles Pritchard<>  wrote:
>> As for the relatedTarget, I don't know that it's necessary to include it.
>> The author already knows which canvas they used when they bound to the
>> sub-element.
> How do they know that?

When they wire up the event handlers, they have specific data at hand.
If it's absolutely necessary,  they can setup an object to help them 
track it.

var myObj = {};
ctx.setElementPath(myObj[] = subElement);

Again, though, you have items like onclick, where it's plausible that 
the click was triggered by keyboard.

> What happens if different canvas paths, perhaps in different canvases,
> are bound to the same element?

The latest canvas to bind wins the prize.
I don't think the DOM+CSS model is ready to handle multiple boxes 
pointing to one element.

This binding is really more about CSS and the browser's internal 
implementation of a light shadow dom than it is about canvas.
It's the DOM we're updating. The canvas implementation should not be 
keeping track of things. It's the DOM+CSS implementation that should be 
doing the work.

DOM does support multiple rectangles in getClientRects, I don't think 
it's something we need to aspire to.
If an author has several paths, they can easily run them before a single 
binding call.


Received on Thursday, 2 February 2012 18:36:40 UTC