Issue 131 Change Proposal

HTML working group and HTML accessibility Task Force chairs:

We held the canvas accessibility sub-team and discussed our change proposal
for issue 131:

Sam Ruby made the group aware of the February 21, 2011 deadline on this
issue and no objections to the change proposal were received. The group
resolved to submit this change proposal to address issue 131:

Please accept this change proposal for review. It is referenced in the
change proposal WIKI:

Although not mentioned in this issue, there is still an issue about
reporting absolute positioning of fall back content relative to drawing
objects on canvas to support platform accessibility API services. This is
needed for screen reading and screen magnification.
Doing this efficiently, with limited impact to a developer is a challenge
and the Canvas Accessibility Working Group will continue to address this
issue. Should we come up with a vehicle to do this efficiently that may
impact the specification we will raise this as a Last Call issue.

Thank you,

Rich Schwerdtfeger

Received on Monday, 21 February 2011 21:11:21 UTC