Re: You Got Your SVG in my Canvas! Mmm, Delicious!

Tab Atkins Jr. wrote (on 06/30/2011 02:07 AM):
> While I like the general shape of several of your ideas,


> I must make
> the same requests as I did of other people - we need to know precisely
> what problems are to be solved before we can decide how to solve them.

I don't understand.

I'm happy to answer your question, because I think there are many 
advantages for general use, as well as for accessibility, but it's not 
clear what you consider a "problem to be solved."  I've listed several 
benefits on my blog post, but it seems like you're looking for something 

Can we get a bullet-point listing of the kinds of problem sets that you 
feel are appropriate for addressing, along with concrete examples?  I've 
read all of your posts on this topic, and I don't understand what 
exactly you're asking for.  I'm sure the details are hidden there, but 
the wordiness makes my eyes slide right over them.


Received on Thursday, 30 June 2011 21:16:14 UTC