Agenda: HTML 5 Canvas Accessibility Meeting January 25, 2010

1. HTML 5 Canvas Accessibility Meeting

Monday, 2010-1-25
Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm Boston local
Code: 92473 ("WAIPF")
One time

irc channel= #html-a11y

Note: I am sending this out to give people notice of Monday's repeating 
meeting. The agenda may change based on Friday HTML5 working group 
discussions which I have not yet reviewed due to travel. 


1. Identify Scribe
2. Any issues with time slot
3. Shadow DOM - (what should element should we call it? <access>?)

4. Media Query application to canvas for alternative renderings and 
fallback renderings for non-supporting browsers
- use of media types as attributes vs. elements (HTML 5 uses elements)
- Impact on the fallback DOM
- Impact of having a shadow DOM - How can we avoid it's being rendered for 
non-supporting browsers without a huge burden on the author?

5. Canvas fall back impact for non-supporting browsers

6. JavaScript method for focus setting/focus ring (Steve F. what issues 


Received on Friday, 22 January 2010 22:36:57 UTC