takeScreenShot and takeElementScreenShot tests

Hey all,

I was trying to fix the take_element_screenshot[1] and take_screenshot[2] tests for Chrome, but I see an issue. 

In the tests, there is an unexpected dialog appearing. It seems like none of the browsers are handling this; however, Firefox still passes the tests, even though the dialog is up. ChromeDriver and EdgeDriver both fail due to an error that there is an unexpected dialog up.

I remember discussing this at TPAC. My memory is that the steps in the spec were supposed to be modified to include handling unexpected prompts, but I wanted to confirm - there was some confusion in the github issue and some discussion offline, I believe. 

So, two questions: 

1. Should I modify the driver to dismiss the prompt before taking the screenshot?
2. Should we instead modify the expectation of the tests so that you FAIL if you take a screenshot with the dialog up?


1. https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/tree/master/webdriver/tests/take_element_screenshot
2. https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/tree/master/webdriver/tests/take_screenshot

Received on Friday, 15 March 2019 00:05:25 UTC