Re: Go command and invalid URLs

On Mon, 9 May 2016, at 18:19, Sam Uong wrote:
> Small correction here: ChromeDriver doesn't pass malformed URLs through
> the omnibox.

Mea culpa. I was probably thinking about some other browser.

This is good news, however, and strengthens the argument that a URL
string must be a valid URL for navigation to succeed!

> Passing an invalid URL to the Get command results in an error.
> Relative URLs are also considered to be invalid. Browsing to about:blank
> and chrome://settings does work, although javascript: URLs won't.

The "javascript" scheme is mentioned in the URL spec, but not "chrome".
I’d say that it’s fine for Chrome to support chrome://. Other browsers
may not support, say ftp:// in the future.

> I don't think a full simulation of the omnibox/address bar belongs in
> WebDriver, and implementing it might cause confusion and interop issues
> (for certain inputs, some browsers would trigger a search while others
> would perform a navigation).

Furthermore, development browsers or “browser shells”, such as Servo and
Chrome’s content shell, may not have all the necessary features to
handle malformed URLs.

> I'd be fine with adding a new error status
> code for this, if others think it would be useful.

I think it’s better than the generic “WebDriverException” that is being
used now. Error classification by type can be useful in this context.

Received on Monday, 9 May 2016 18:46:17 UTC