Re: Specifying spec level in session

I quite like this. It gives the client bindings authors a chance to throw
necessary errors before calls are made and makes support levels an explicit
thing rather than trying to sniff packets (which can be done for the
OSS->L1) now but may not actually give us what we need in the future.


On 4 August 2015 at 22:21, Jim Evans <> wrote:

> I think it might be useful for local end language bindings to be able to
> determine the level of the protocol being spoken by the remote end when a
> session is created. To that end, it might be interesting to have the
> specification level documented in the capabilities returned by the new
> session command.
> My proposal would be to add a "specificationLevel" entry to the set of
> "server capabilities" listed in the "Processing Capabilities" algorithm of
> section 4. A compliant remote end must set the value of this capability to
> 1 for remote ends adhering to the current version of the spec. When level 2
> of the WebDriver spec is completed, compliant remote ends must set the
> value to 2, and so on.
> Thoughts?
> --Jim

Received on Tuesday, 4 August 2015 21:28:06 UTC