Possibility to resize the "viewsport" instead of the "window"?

Hi there,

I have been using WebDriver lately to run acceptance tests against
cross-device Web apps (or "close to" Web apps using some hybrid

Even though these apps implement responsive Web design recipes to
adjust to various viewport sizes, there are still a number of viewport
sizes that are more interesting to test than others, typically because
they happen to match the viewport dimensions of actual device screens
around (e.g. viewport widths of 320px, 768px, 1024px, 1280px, 1920px).
Obviously, such tests could run in the "right" environment each time
(e.g. on an actual Android device) but it is usually makes sense to
run as many tests as possible in some common background environment
such as a headless Web browser first, not to have to run a bunch of
emulators around.

As specified in the "Resizing and Positioning Windows" section of the
spec [1], the "setWindowSize" command instructs the browser to modify
the "outerWidth" and "outerHeight" properties. This does not help much
when one wants to test the position of elements against particular
viewport dimensions, where "innerWidth" and "innerHeight" would be
much better.

There are workarounds. For instance, in JavaScript using Selenium
WebdriverJS implementation, one could write:

var viewport = { width: 320, height: 480 };
var outer = {};
  .then(function (size) {
    outer.width = size.width;
    outer.height = size.height;
  .then(function () {
    return driver.executeScript('return { ' +
      'width: window.innerWidth, ' +
      'height: window.innerHeight' +
  .then(function (size) {
    return driver.manage().window().setSize(
      viewport.width + outer.width - size.width,
      viewport.height + outer.height - size.height);

Such code is a bit hacky to say the least and there is no real
guarantee that the dimensions of the visual bars do not change when
the window is resized in any case.

I could not find any discussion around the topic but perhaps I missed
something. Has a "setViewportSize" method ever been considered and
discarded for some good reason? Any chance this use case could be


[1] https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webdriver/raw-file/default/webdriver-spec.html#resizing-and-positioning-windows

Received on Thursday, 5 December 2013 21:53:20 UTC