Re: Proposed date for next face to face

Simon Stewart <>:
> At TPAC, it was suggested that the next face to face should be the week of
> February 25th. The goal would be to spend a day or two discussing the spec,
> and then the remainder of the week either working on the spec itself, or
> meeting with interested groups.
> Are there any objections to this plan or the date?

As there have been no objections, let's go for that.

Working group meeting Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th of February.
Work on the spec, test suite and possibly meeting with other groups on
Thursday 27th and Friday 28th. “Going to the pub” and “having an
excellent dinner” should also be on the agenda.

Meeting at the Mozilla offices in San Francisco has been suggested.
Are there any strong preferences on location? I'm fine with anywhere
south of Oslo in February, but let's make sure as many group members
as possible will be able to attend.

TPAC 2014 will be held in Santa Clara, California around
October/November. That could be our next meeting after this, or we
could schedule another meeting in Europe or Asia during the summer.

Wilhelm Joys Andersen

Received on Thursday, 28 November 2013 05:00:27 UTC