Re: Next F2F meeting: TPAC, November

As Wilhelm has mentioned we are participating in Test The Web Forward 
event on the Saturday. Since a number of us will be travelling half way 
around the world it will make sense to help out there so you don't feel 
like you are on a plane for as long as you are in a meeting.

If you want to help please can you arrive by the Friday night before so 
we can have some people who can help people when they get stuck.

I will be sending out details of what we need to do in the coming weeks.


On 19/08/2013 21:17, Wilhelm Joys Andersen wrote:
> Hello,
> As previously announced, the next face-to-face meeting in the Browser
> Tools and Testing Working Group will be at TPAC, November 11.-12., in
> Shenzhen, China. The plenary day is on the 13th, and other group
> meetings on the 14.-15.
> Please sign up here:
> There will be a Test the Web Forward event hosted in Shenzhen on the
> 9th. Some of us will be participating there. You are encouraged to
> join if you are available. (c:

Received on Tuesday, 20 August 2013 09:35:09 UTC