Re: Browser Automation Working Group at TPAC.

On 10/26/12 1:16 AM, ext Wilhelm Joys Andersen wrote:
> * Robin Berjon <>:
>> I think that anything that shows people how sexy it is to do testing that
>> way would be great. I don't know how the plenary day for this will be
>> organised, but this would be a great topic for a plenary session, or at
>> least for a breakout.
> That's a very good idea.

Agree. (FWIW, I would plan to attend such a session. FYI, the list of 
sessions is getting quite long 

>> In any case, I think there are too many people who don't know what
>> one can do with Web Driver and it would be really useful to produce
>> some outreach here.
> That applies to the working group meeting as well. There will be many
> new faces at the table, representing new organizations, new use cases,
> other working groups and new points of view.
> I suggest the following points for the agenda:
>   * A basic introduction to WebDriver, answering questions such as:
>      - What is WebDriver and what can you do with it?
>      - Why are we writing a spec anyway?
>      - What is the relation between the spec and the open source project?
>      - How can WebDriver be used by my other working group?
>   * The state of the union. Where are we with the spec right now?
>   * Ask everyone present:
>      - What is your interest in the spec?
>      - What problems do you need it to solve?
>      - How would you and your organization be interested in
>        participating in the work?
>   * Discussion of the currently open issues in the spec

Nice list.


Received on Friday, 26 October 2012 11:10:01 UTC