3.1 Access keys Re: New Version of BP Addendum

On Wed, 16 Sep 2009 17:23:56 +0200, Scheppe, Kai-Dietrich  
<k.scheppe@telekom.de> wrote:

>  <<ED-mobileOK-pro10-tests-20090916.htm>>

Hi. Finally providing feedback on this.

I consider it a mistake for the author of content to try and identify for  
the user which access keys are used. Although implementation in the mobile  
world is more consistent (except in the wildly popular mobile browsers,  
which generally still don't support them at all), experience from a range  
of devices shows that access keys have some associated problems, two of  
which (the author not knowing what keys are available, and the user agent  
being able to provide any activation mechanism it deems useful) are best  
solved by letting the User Agent identify active access keys instead of  
the author doing it.

I therefore suggest removing the text about making the access keys  
discoverable as an author responsibility. Note that this would be in line  
with discussions on HTML5, which is revamping accesskeys because it is  
clear they have not worked well outside the mobile web, and equally clear  
that people have nonetheless found the concept useful (and persisted even  
through poor user experience, presumably because the value has been enough  
in some cases).



Charles McCathieNevile  Opera Software, Standards Group
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Received on Wednesday, 16 September 2009 16:18:50 UTC