New draft of the Mobile Web Application Best Practices spec for review

Hi guys,

Adam has prepared an updated version of the Mobile Web Application Best 
Practices (MWABP) document that incorporates the changes agreed upon 
during the F2F. It is available for review at:

I drafted the replies to the last call comments that were received on 
MWABP based on the resolutions of the F2F. They are available for review at:

The new draft should be viewed as a release candidate for an official 
publication of the document as a Candidate Recommendation early 2010. If 
you think that the changes do not properly address the resolutions that 
were taken, please say so ASAP. The document should be sent out for 
review by commenters of the last call working draft on Thursday (17 
December 2009).

Similarly, if you think one of the replies to the last call comments 
does not match the resolution that was taken or are not "real English", 
please tell me ASAP. If I do not hear any complaint by then, I will send 
the replies on Thursday, asking reviewers to get back to us by 5 January 

(Tip: the minutes [1] contain links to the last call comments to speed 
up the review process)

Many thanks Adam for the prompt update!



Received on Monday, 14 December 2009 16:26:51 UTC