[agenda] MWBP Teleconference 2009-08-25

Hi BP group!

Jo and Dan got trapped into last-minute (should I say last-day?) 
conflicts and cannot chair tomorrow's call. Let's have a quick call to 
review actions progress. Well, that does mean we should progress the 
remaining actions, doesn't it? Thanks for checking the links of the 
agenda items below to make sure your actions receive a little bit of 
love and care!

Please make sure that if you are sending regrets you do so _before_ the
call and please use the member list to do so:



Chair: francois
Team contact: francois
Known regrets: DKA, Jo

Date: 2009-08-25T1330Z
  0630 US Pacific
  0930 US Eastern
  1430 UK/Ireland
  1530 CET
  1630 Helsinki
  2230 South Korea

IRC: irc://irc.w3.org:6665#bpwg

1. mobileOK Scheme - new note
Publication of the updated Working Group Note on its way, should be done 

2. CT Guidelines - X-Device-* registration
Provisional registration request sent to IANA today. No feedback so far.

3. CT Guidelines - Quick actions review

4. MWABP - Quick actions review

5. Addendum to MWBP - Status update
Any news?

6. AOB

Received on Monday, 24 August 2009 17:00:35 UTC