Re: MWBP WCAG document: Progress and proposal to move content of "WCAG 2.0 and MWBP

On Sep 18, 2008, at 4:46 AM, wrote:

> Following discussion of this proposal in teleconferences today and
> tomorrow I will incorporate comments received and publish a new draft
> early next week. Hopefully then we can leave the document stable and
> ready for review by WCAG WG and Protocols and Formats WG.

whether BPWG decides to retire ACTION-820 or not
I think our group will keep on meeting here at RIT
for the sake of developing concrete guidance
in the form of example code & explanations
aimed at practicing mobile developers

there is absolutely no desire on the part of anyone here
to hold up the publication of anything...
we just think we may be able to develop something
useful for developers in the mobile domain
and useful for those taking a
"One Web" approach to development


"I've sold my soul so many times
  that by now it's just licensing"
-- Charles Kriel --

Prof. Jeff Sonstein

Received on Thursday, 18 September 2008 11:20:10 UTC