ISSUE-284: W3C mobile addressing standards [Guidelines for Web Content Transformation Proxies]

ISSUE-284: W3C mobile addressing standards  [Guidelines for Web Content Transformation Proxies]

Raised by: Jo Rabin
On product: Guidelines for Web Content Transformation Proxies

One of the reasons for not suggesting heurisitcs is that they are easily misunderstood. In the following developers guide

Verizon seems to be saying that W3C recommends using addressing prefixes and suffixes of the kind listed. This is very much the opposite of what is intended.

I think we need:

a) to make it plain that in the absence of any such indication *nothing" can be inferred especially not that the site is not mobile and that that assuming that the site requires PC User agent in that case is absolutely contrary to the CT Guideleines

b) make it even clearer that the heurisitcs we offer are just that, observations of what people do, and that these are absolutely not endorsed.

That said, I find it hard to see how Verizon can have made such a mistake with the current draft. Perhaps someone should tell them that they are in error.


Received on Saturday, 15 November 2008 15:01:05 UTC