Re: "Going fast on the Mobile Web" - input for MWABP?

On Jul 1, 2008, at 4:37 AM, Dom wrote:

> They also have further recommendations for post-iPhone devices (but
> without much details):

from the "Opinions R Us" department:

> 3. Javascript at bottom of page

folks like GoogleAnalytics make similar suggestion all devs
so renderer engine able to get to initial elements
before it tries to run your code
(and maybe gets hung up there & delays other stuff down page)

> 4. CSS in the head tag

means don't stick CSS inline
hard to maintain
last-minute adds of CSS bad idea small processor/resources
(poor little sucker is busy enough w the JS & DOM as is)

> 6. Use GET unless you need POST


"HTTP GET promotes URI addressability so, designers should adopt it  
for safe operations
  such as simple queries. POST is appropriate for other types of  
applications where a user
  request has the potential to change the state of the resource (or of  
related resources)."

> 7. use JSON instead of XML

JSON maps directly into Javascript/ECMAScript objects
while XML objects require (relatively) mucho parsing


Fail Whale Pale Ale     #fwpa
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Prof. Jeff Sonstein

Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2008 00:12:43 UTC