Re: MobileOK Telecon, Tuesday 29th January

In Kai's absence, I'm minded to suggest that we don't try and set up a 
telecon for tomorrow. However, I do suggest that each of us should 
arrive at the f2f next week having given thought to how we should 
proceed. How much of the Basic doc - in structure if not in content - 
can be ported to Pro? I'm going to spend at least the time I would have 
spent on the call tomorrow looking at this and will share those thoughts 
with those coming next week.


Alan Chuter wrote:
> Is this going ahead tomorrow? I can join if it's organised today.
> cheers,
> Alan
> On 24/01/2008, Scheppe, Kai-Dietrich <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Friday I have 30 minutes in the morning and on Tuesday I cannot.
>> Sorry for being unhelpful, but it continues to be a bit mad around here.
>> Kai
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Phil Archer
>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 5:42 PM
>>> To: Alan Chuter
>>> Cc: MWI BPWG Public
>>> Subject: Cancellation (was Re: MobileOK Telecon, Thursday
>>> 24th Jan 13.00 GMT)
>>> Sorry folks, this isn't going to work for tomorrow. Kai is
>>> almost certainly not able to make it and Adam can't which
>>> leaves only me, Alan and either Dom or François (I've not
>>> heard from Dave Rooks ?), thus progress would be very
>>> limited. It was always a risk organising this when Kai was offline...
>>> Not to let the ball drop though, can we set an alternative
>>> time right away? I believe everyone interested in mOK Pro is
>>> in Europe so we don't need to be restricted to (European)
>>> afternoons, which is good because I only have two gaps in my
>>> diary between now and the week of the face to face:
>>> Friday 25th morning (say 09.30 GMT, 10.30 CET) Similar time,
>>> Tuesday 29th
>>> Either way we'd have to be very nice to the folk in Boston
>>> who look after the telecon calendar to get this scheduled
>>> Phil.
>>> Alan Chuter wrote:
>>>> I'll be there.
>>>> On 23/01/2008, Phil Archer <> wrote:
>>>>> Just a reminder about this extra call tomorrow for those
>>> interested
>>>>> (and able to join in).
>>>>> Caveat: I've not heard from Kai that he can make this call. If he
>>>>> can't (and I see that Adam is still on paternity leave and so,
>>>>> presumably won't be) then this call may be postponed. If that
>>>>> happens, I will, of course, let you know. Otherwise we'll
>>> meet on Zakim at 13.00 tomorrow.
>>>>> Phil.
>>>>> Phil Archer wrote:
>>>>>> As promised on last week's call, I have set up a telecon [1] for
>>>>>> 13:00 GMT next Thursday 24th [2].
>>>>>> The aim is to do set out some preparatory work ahead of
>>> the face to
>>>>>> face in London on 5 - 6 Feb.
>>>>>> This has been arranged in Kai's absence - so I hope the time is
>>>>>> convenient for him!
>>>>>> Logistics (usual numbers, DIFFERENT conference code)
>>>>>> Phone: tel:+16177616200, tel:+33489063499 or
>>> tel:+441173706152 Code
>>>>>> 665776 ("MOKPRO") followed by #
>>>>>> IRC:
>>>>>> (unless Dom wants to set up a separate IRC channel for
>>> mOK Pro TF??)
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> Phil.
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>> &year=2008&hour=13&min=00&sec=0&p1=0
>>> --
>>> Phil Archer
>>> Chief Technical Officer,
>>> Family Online Safety Institute
>>> w.

Phil Archer
Chief Technical Officer,
Family Online Safety Institute

Received on Monday, 28 January 2008 14:25:11 UTC