Re: iPhone ad rapped as 'misleading'

In fairness to Apple, I have heard operators and device manufacturers 
claim support for internet on the phone since WAP 1.1 in 1999, so I am 
not sure about why the iPhone now deserves special treatment.

Secondly, the iPhone does not support the <input type="file">  form 
element, which makes it impossible to upload files from your device to a 
web server. That's a even bigger offender than lack of Java and Flash, IMO.


Alan Chuter wrote:
> A television advert for the iPhone misled consumers, the Advertising 
> Standards Authority has ruled.
> Two complaints to the watchdog noted that the advert said "all the 
> parts of the internet are on the iPhone".
> But the ASA said because the iPhone did not support Flash or Java - 
> two programs that form part of many webpages - the claim was misleading.
> More...
> regards,
> Alan

Received on Wednesday, 27 August 2008 07:34:47 UTC