BPWG web pages redesign

Hi guys,

A long time ago, so long I don't even remember when, I mentioned the 
fact that I would be working on updating the Working Group's web pages, 
and in particular the BPWG blog, since it was not mobile-friendly, not 
mobileOK, and not extraordinarily appealing.

A few weeks ago, we redesigned the Mobile Web Initiative site to follow 
most of our Mobile Web Best Practices. I thought it was a good time to 
both improve consistency across the Mobile Web Initiative Web sites and 
to eventually do what I was supposed to do for so long.

The result is visible at:

It is not perfect but at least most of the pages are mobileOK.
(The Good Standing Tracker for instance is de facto too long to match 
the 10Kb limit, and not really worth splitting into separate pages)

Some new pages were created on the ashes of the former home page which 
was definitely too big... The new pages are accessible from the "Nearby" 
section near the top of the page.

Hope you like it!
Let me know if I missed anything or if the result does not look good 
enough on your favorite mobile device!


Received on Wednesday, 20 August 2008 16:16:22 UTC