Comment on latest draft: option to view the original, unmodified content gone


In the old days, when previous draft was still the reference, there was 
section 3.2.1 "Control by the User". The section started with:

"Transforming proxies should provide to their users:
  * an indication that the content being viewed has been transformed for 
mobile presentation;
  * an option to view the original, unmodified content."

During the call of 1 July:

We had resolved (before viewing the updated draft):

RESOLUTION: Move first bullet list in section 3.2.1 "Transformation 
proxies SHOULD provide to their users" to section 4.4.

... which should now be translated into:
  Move the above text to section

Any reason to remove this text from the doc?


Received on Monday, 21 July 2008 08:30:30 UTC