Re: Feedback on content transformation guidelines ( LC-2066 LC-2067 LC-2068 LC-2069 LC-2070 LC-2071 LC-2073 LC-2072 LC-2074 LC-2075 LC-2076 LC-2077 LC-2078 LC-2079 LC-2080 LC-2081 LC-2082 LC-2083 LC-2084)

Francois Daoust wrote:
> For clarification, the guidelines do not build on the assumption that 
> GET is not safe.
> The mechanism described by Luca is actually recommended by the 
> guidelines: send a GET with original headers, then send a request with 
> modified headers if the first response is a "request unacceptable" 
> response.

Francois, this is not what I meant. What I meant is "content tasting". 
Proxies should send a GET with original headers and if they get a 
response (which they probably will), they should smell the response and 
figure out whether that content may be good enough for mobile (and err 
on the side of assuming it is). If the content is likely to be OK for a 
mobile device, no transcoding should take place at all.

This is explicitly ruled out by

"The theoretical idempotency of GET requests is not always respected by 
servers. In order, as far as possible, to avoid misoperation of such 
content, proxies *should* avoid issuing duplicate requests and 
specifically *should not* issue duplicate requests for comparison purposes."

There was no reason to add this part, except, as I mentioned in my first 
message, to help novarra, whose transcoder does not behave this way.


Received on Tuesday, 24 November 2009 14:36:44 UTC