Re: [Fwd: FW: Nokia comments on MWI BP LC draft]

[Sorry for the duplicate]

  Dear <>,

The Mobile Web Best Practice Working Group has reviewed the comments you
sent [1] on the Last Call Working Draft [2] of the Mobile Web Best
Practices 1.0 published on 13 January 2006 Thank you for having taken the
time to review the document and to send us comments!

This message holds the disposition of the said comments on which the
Working Group has agreed. This disposition has been implemented in the new
version of the document available at:

Please review it carefully and let us know if you agree with it or not
before 3 May 2006. In case of disagreement, you are requested to provide a
specific solution for or a path to a consensus with the Working Group. If
such a consensus cannot be achieved, you will be given the opportunity to
raise a formal objection which will then be reviewed by the Director
during the transition of this document to the next stage in the W3C
Recommendation Track.


For the Mobile Web Best Practice Working Group,
Philipp Hoschka
Dominique Hazaƫl-Massieux
W3C Staff Contacts



Your comment on :
5.3.3 Scrolling 

There could be a stricter recommendation: Limit scrolling

while reading a single text flow to one direction.

Working Group Resolution:
We have simplified the pair of Best Practices on scrolling into a single
best practice, recommending not allow secondary scrolling unless


Your comment on [BALANCE] Design the...:
5.2.3 Balanced Structure  

It is not clear, whether this is indicating some mathematical

balance. We believe a site should be \"balanced semantically or

by importance.\" It makes no sense to always make the depth of

all links similar. In fact, the first links should be directly

to commonly-used information, while later links may lead to a

deeper tree of less-often-used features. This is really

important to explain well.

Working Group Resolution:
We have substantially reworded the Best Practice on balance to clarify
that the balance was between the number of links per pages and the number
of pages the user has to download to go to his or her intended result.


Your comment on 5.3.5 Graphics:
5.3.5 Graphics 

Proposal for adding a statement [MANY_GRAPHICS]. Avoid many

images in one page, because each request on a wireless network

adds significant latency compared to fixed networks.

Working Group Resolution:
We agreed with this additional principle and generalized it in the Best


Your comment on 5.4.15 Cache Headers:
5.4.15 Cache Headers 

Proposal for adding a statement [CACHE_CLOCK_SKEW]. Ensure the

site will function acceptably without cache, but explicitly

set cache headers with long expiration times to allow for

clock or time zone inaccuracy in the client.

Working Group Resolution:
Timezone inaccuracies in the client don't normally affect caching since it
relies on GMT time. Clock skews aren't specific to mobile devices and
should be handled as a case of deficiency in the implementation when
specific to a given mobile device. As such, we haven't modified the
document, but would welcome a technique on this specific item:


Received on Wednesday, 12 April 2006 17:13:49 UTC