Charles wrote:

> [OBJECTS_OR_SCRIPT] Do not rely on embedded objects or script
  [text deleted]
> CMN: Also related to meeting 6.2

I think perhaps it's the other way around. Complying with WCAG 6.2
improves and enables compliance with [OBJECTS_OR_SCRIPT]. On the other
hand, complying with [OBJECTS_OR_SCRIPT] doesn't really help with WCAG 6.2
because it doesn't mention updating equivalents for dynamic content. So I
propose to put in the section on WCAG 6.2 (does not yet exist in published
version), the following:

"How does it help mobile users?: Objects and scripts are types of dynamic
content. Providing equivalents for them and ensuring the equivalents are
updated goes some way to enabling (is a precondition for) compliance with
BP [OBJECTS_OR_SCRIPT]. However, providing an equivalent is not sufficient
to ensure compliance (the BP requires that objects and script not even be
delivered to devices that do not support them and should be avoided where

Note that the online document is only updated weekly.


Received on Thursday, 18 October 2007 15:57:34 UTC