RE: Interesting twist to the bitcoin blockchain debate

Hello Melvin,


Yes the comments were colorful. However, I think the list might find this article by Coindesk on the topic a little more in-depth, but less colorful), see 


Ironically this is not unlike the domain name space where Registrars engage in an arms race to acquire accreditations to increase the odds of registering deleting domain names from a registry.  When VeriSign back in the day proposed a new service that would remove this artificial, but very lucrative market, Registrars sued.


As I always say, follow the money.


Best regards,





From: Melvin Carvalho [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 5:43 PM
To: Blockchain CG <>
Subject: Interesting twist to the bitcoin blockchain debate


The comments make quite an interesting read. 

>From what I gather (and I could be wrong here), there is pressure from a group of companies to go in one direction vs the proposals of the core developers.

I personally have a lot of faith in the core development team.  It will be interesting to see which wins out.

Received on Wednesday, 24 May 2017 05:44:39 UTC