Re: Chainpoint

Hi again,

Following Doug's concerns, I have written this little "initial report"
about "Proof of Anchoring":

It tries to:
+ Cursorily explain what is "blockchain data anchoring".
+ Set a scope for this discussion.
+ Clarify some terminologies.
+ Include a statement the problem.
+ Point out some scenarios to be covered by a hypothetical standard.
+ Showcase two examples of existing proof formats: BTA and Chainpoint.
+ Suggest a roadmap of next steps.

I hope you all find it helpful!

Really looking forward to hear your comments,
*Adán Sánchez de Pedro Crespo*
CTO, Stampery Inc.
San Francisco - Madrid
T: +34 663 163 375

Received on Wednesday, 14 September 2016 10:03:56 UTC