Re: Getting stuff done at W3C

I agree, Manu's article is a great insight on how the standardization
process should work.

The checklist seems very reasonable. Let's immediately start with point 1.

We need to elaborate a survey covering which aspects of blockchain need
/ would benefit the most from standardization. This survery should also
identify problems, help us document use cases and invite interested
parties to join this CG.

Manu is also right when pointing out that one of the areas that we have
already identified as potential object of standardization is data
anchoring proofs / receipts. In addition, there are some interesting
proposals about that matter on the table.

That's a very good sign, because there are other aspects in the
blockchain space that are still too immature or nothing more than hype
and therefore there's nothing to discuss about them regarding

*Adán Sánchez de Pedro Crespo*
CTO, Stampery Inc.
San Francisco - Madrid
T: +34 663 163 375

Received on Friday, 9 September 2016 10:20:26 UTC