Position Statements and Expressions of Interest

Hi, folks–

I'm pleased to tell you I finally finished converting all the position 
statements to a web-ready format, and cleaned them up for easier review.

You can see the list of links here:

And here are the results of the Expression of Interest form:

Other than a few outliers, most of the position statements are fairly 
short. If you have time, I invite you to read them all, and keep in mind 
the review criteria that Daniel suggested [1].

In the next couple of days, Daniel, Neha, Dazza, and I will set up the 
process for each of you to review a subset of position papers. I hope 
that we can all get our reviews done by early next week.

Note that we have about 40 papers and 25 expressions of interest; 
however, some papers have more than one author. I estimate that there 
are currently about 80-90 people represented, and we still have 3 days 
before the deadline ends (on Thursday). I'm looking into how many people 
we have budget to allow to attend; we may need to show a bit of 
discretion in which people we prioritize as attendees.

I sincerely apologize for the delay in getting these papers to you.

(Lesson: use a structured form to solicit interest for workshops and 
events; don't allow open-format submissions, even with detailed 
instructions for positions statements, because you'll get everything 
from text to badly-formed Word and Google Docs HTML to PDF to .docx to 
.odt, with wild inconsistency of content.)



Received on Tuesday, 7 June 2016 02:29:40 UTC