Re: Fixing IO typeclasses

Hi, Alexandre!

I think we lack support of streaming API for readers. All readers return
RDFGraph but in many cases it is not what is needed. For instance:
1) In case of large files I would prefer to parse them in a nonblocking
way, so I need a stream.
2) In case of gettings data from websockets (in a string format) it is an
overhead to wrap each websocket message into a graph

Writers are also not clear for me.
Why do you provide "base:String" in ordinary "write" method? base:String
makes sense only for relative graphs (for which you already have  def
writeAsRelative )

2015-01-29 21:42 GMT+02:00 Alexandre Bertails <>:

> Hey guys,
> It is time to fix our reader and writer typeclasses. We have a few
> outstanding issues on Github, and I have spent some time thinking on
> how to move forwards. So please find here my proposal.
> Please review, comment, ask questions, I am planning to start hacking
> on those as soon as possible. I want this stuff to be ready way before
> my Scaladays talk, along with the tutorial I am planning for
> banana-rdf.
> Alexandre
> * rdf/common/src/main/scala/org/w3/banana/io/package.scala
> ```
> package org.w3.banana
> /** Types for IO operations on RDF objects.
>   *
>   * RDF syntaxes like Turtle or JSON-LD do allow for the use of
>   * relative IRIs but there are no relative IRIs in the RDF model
>   * itself. So instead of failing on a relative IRI without a known
>   * base, RDF parsers would usually *silently* pick a default base IRI
>   * on their own.
>   *
>   * In `banana-rdf`, we standardize the behaviour by **always** using
>   * `rel:` as the default base IRI for IO operations when no base
>   * was provided. RDF applications can then look at the scheme and
>   * know what happened.
>   */
> package object io {
>   /** `rel:`, the special base IRI used when no base is provided. */
>   final val DEFAULT_BASE: String = "rel:"
> }
> ```
> * rdf/common/src/main/scala/org/w3/banana/io/RDFReader.scala
> ```package org.w3.banana
> package io
> import
> /** An RDF reader.
>   *
>   * All functions return results in the context `M`. `S` is a phantom
>   * type for the RDF syntax.
>   */
> trait RDFReader[Rdf <: RDF, M[_], +S] {
>   /** reads a RDF Graph from a [[]] and a base IRI */
>   def read(is: InputStream, base: String): M[Rdf#Graph]
>   /** reads an RDF Graph from a [[]] and a base IRI */
>   def read(reader: Reader, base: String): M[Rdf#Graph]
>   /** reads an RDF Graph from a [[]] using the `rel:`
>     * base IRI
>     */
>   final def read(is: InputStream): M[Rdf#Graph] = read(is, DEFAULT_BASE)
>   /** reads an RDF Graph from a [[]] using the `rel:` base
>     * IRI
>     */
>   final def read(reader: Reader): M[Rdf#Graph] = read(reader, DEFAULT_BASE)
> }
> ```
> * rdf/common/src/main/scala/org/w3/banana/io/RDFWriter.scala
> ```
> package org.w3.banana
> package io
> import
> /** An RDF writer.
>   *
>   * All functions return results in the context `M`. `S` is a phantom
>   * type for the RDF syntax.
>   */
> trait RDFWriter[Rdf <: RDF, M[_], +T] {
>   /** writes `graph` in a [[]] with the provided
>     * `base`
>     */
>   def write(graph: Rdf#Graph, os: OutputStream, base: String): M[Unit]
>   /** writes `graph` in a [[]] where IRIs are
>     * relative to the provided `base`
>     */
>   def writeAsRelative(graph: Rdf#Graph, os: OutputStream, base: String):
> M[Unit]
>   /** returns `graph` as a [[java.lang.String]] */
>   def asString(graph: Rdf#Graph, base: String): M[String]
>   /** returns `graph` as a [[java.lang.String]] where IRIs are relative
>     * to the provided `base`
>     */
>   def asRelativeString(graph: Rdf#Graph, base: String): M[String]
> }
> ```

Best regards,
Anton Kulaga

Received on Thursday, 29 January 2015 19:58:36 UTC