Re: Diagram of it all

Sorry, thatlast message of mine was a bit broken as a graph has an
unbounded number of serializations, so I would have to come up with
some property (among the ones I'm willing to call a 'metadata
property') shared by all serializations, that the graph itself didn't

(When I say "property" in this context I don't mean "RDF property," I
mean something more like DL value restriction - technically those are
classes, not properties.)

But I bet there is one that is not a mere type error.

On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 8:52 PM, Jonathan Rees <> wrote:
> Did you spot the contradiction, in one of your diagrams, to my axioms?
> In my little world, if a resource has only one representation, then
> much of what you say about the representation has to also be true of
> the resource - for example, whether its content contains the letter
> 'x'. This rules out the resource being an RDF graph, and the
> representation being a serialization of it, since for any
> serialization, there are almost certainly characters that occur in it,
> but not in the graph.  (You could probably carefully construct a graph
> and a serialization of it that contained the same letters, but then I
> would pick a different metadata property, and go through the argument
> again.)
> This shows that TimBL's intuition that RDF graphs mustn't be
> information resources follows logically from a strong stance on
> metadata generation and interpretation. Without a connection as strong
> as this, I'm not sure that the httpRange-14 rule is worth the trouble,
> since theories weaker than this have no "teeth" and are not good for
> much.  I wish I were wrong, but I don't think I am.
> Jonathan
> On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 6:28 PM, Nathan <> wrote:
>> inspired by jonathan's last diagram - attached, and uploaded here:

Received on Saturday, 5 March 2011 02:04:07 UTC