Ed Summers blog post on 'chimera' approach

The purpose of section 5.5 is to give a fair and balanced exposition
of the idea given here:


Our document ought to be readable by this audience. Perhaps not easily
readable, but it shouldn't be unnecessarily alienating. Ideally, it
should make Ed and others feel that they have at least been heard.

If I understand Harry's comment about there only being a problem with
200 in the presence of owl:sameAs, then I think Harry is espousing a
similar view. But I could be wrong.

This post and its comments also provide a good list of misconceptions
that we might try to straighten out in the document (although some of
them seem to be beyond redemption).

Just one of several links I collected a while back:


Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2011 13:03:30 UTC