RE: [auto-bg] minutes - 10 January 2017

Demos @ CES is not just OCF automotive demo. It’s W3C-OCF collaboration demo. It has W3C vehicle server based on current spec as well as the client web apps for smartphone.
So could you revise the name of the demo like this?


Best regards,

From: Kazuyuki Ashimura []
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 3:40 AM
Subject: [auto-bg] minutes - 10 January 2017

available at:

also as text below.



                               - DRAFT -

                             Automotive BG

10 Jan 2017



   See also: [3]IRC log



          Ted, Kaz, PatrickL, PhilippeR, QingAn, Ryan, Wonsuk,
          ParickB, Adam, Rudi, Paul, Urata

          Wonsuk, QingAn, Paul



     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]LBS update
         2. [6]Media tuner update
         3. [7]VIWI proposal
         4. [8]Topics for new use cases
         5. [9]OCF demo at CES
     * [10]Summary of Action Items
     * [11]Summary of Resolutions

LBS update

   wonsuk: LBS update from QingAn first

   qingan: trying to organize LBS work
   ... discussion for upcoming meetings

   wonsuk: could you please clarify your plan?

   qingan: maybe need some support from Philippe Colliot from
   ... will talk with him offline
   ... plus thinking to start draft document on GitHub or

   wonsuk: that's possible
   ... we have GitHub
   ... would be better to use that
   ... maybe we need to create a sub directory for LBS?

   qingan: yes
   ... restructure the structure

   wonsuk: if you have some sub directory within our GitHub,
   please create a to introduce your work
   ... including roadmap etc.
   ... would be great for the group

   qingan: ok. will do

   wonsuk: any comments?

   adam: what if we create a list of interest
   ... a high level list

   qingan: high-level description?

   adam: yes

   qingan: maybe some diagram would be helpful as well

   adam: yes

Media tuner update

   wonsuk: next media tuner
   ... Ryan?

   ryan: working with the TV Control API WG
   ... also we have VIWI proposal now




   ryan: recently, I posted a media resource approach proposal
   ... disability of resources
   ... still discussion on the TV group list
   ... looking at more RESTful approach
   ... briefly reviewed the VIWI proposal
   ... bringing up some specific use cases

   patrickL: feel free to contact PatrickB and me

   patrickB: we have a lot of more definitions
   ... we have some experience on different topics on tuner
   ... so don't hesitate to talk with us

   wonsuk: tx, Ryan and Patricks
   ... want to ask Patricks if you can join the media tf
   ... so that you can talk about the media tuner topic with Ryan
   more closely

   patrickL: of course

   patrickB: ok

   wonsuk: great
   ... any comments?
   ... one question from me
   ... some kind of roadmap for the media tuner work as well
   ... good to clarify roadmaps for all our work items
   ... Ryan, do you have any roadmap information handy?

   ryan: we have a media tuner wiki page
   ... we need to look at that again




   wonsuk: Patricks would like to join the media tf, so good to
   update the page

   ted: thank you for your work, Ryan
   ... trying to get more people for the media tuner work
   ... feel free to hold a dedicated call for the TF if needed
   ... Kaz and I can set it up

   wonsuk: tx
   ... any comments?

   <ted> [also happy to join as many of these breakout tf meetings
   as i can]

   <kaz> +1 :)

VIWI proposal

   wonsuk: we got VIWI proposal
   ... as Ted sent to the group, we need to investigate more
   ... might want to create a TF

   <ted> [14]coordination wiki for ViWi


   wonsuk: also might want to have a dedicated TF call for that

   patrickL: sounds good :)

   wonsuk: we need to create a page for that
   ... and clarify the roadmap
   ... document of our review for the VIWI proposal
   ... any comments?

   ryan: what is the point for the review?

   patrickL: what we propose already works

   <ted> [15]proposed path from Rudi


   patrickL: good idea to compare use cases for the two kinds of
   interface, W3C Automotive and VIWI

   ryan: ok

   ted: Rudi's proposal (link above)
   ... test, transition plan, etc.
   ... we'll start discussion on the architecture
   ... also have some architecture critics from some Member
   ... VIWI proposal include HTTP and WebSocket
   ... there is the TAG within W3C which works on architectural
   design for Web technology

   ryan: tx for your information

   wonsuk: any other question?

   patrickB: how do we want to proceed?
   ... protocol comparison

   ted: this BG call handles high-level discussion
   ... detailed discussion should be handled by the TF
   ... e.g., based on the use cases
   ... can get availability for the TF call of people using
   Doodle, etc.

   patrickB: ok

   wonsuk: Ted, you've already made a page for the VIWI TF

   -> [16]VIWI TF page


   ted: people can join the TF
   ... we can find a time which works for the participants
   ... can get quick indication of availability using Doodle

   wonsuk: how about sending another email to get feedback on
   people's interest

   ted: will send out a Doodle poll

   <PatrickLue> Tuesdays somewhere around the other calls

   <PatrickLue> Mondays as well

   ted: thinks both the Patricks and Adam are interested in the TF
   ... will send a Doodle concentrating on Mondays based on
   people's availability

   patrickB: would be good to involve non-automotive people as

   ted: yes
   ... maybe every other week or once a week

   kaz: maybe it would be better to prepare a doodle poll not only
   for Monday but all for the 5 days to make sure given we'd like
   to involve other people than OEMs too
   ... also we need to clarify the moderator for the TF as well

   ted: talk about the detail later

Topics for new use cases

   wonsuk: any other topics?
   ... we need to keep gathering use cases and discuss them
   ... would like to get feedback from you

   scribenick: ted

   kaz: Paul generated a list of topics and perhaps we can revisit
   that list

   [17]Paul's topics on the wiki


   scribenick: kaz

   ted: topics of interest include payments
   ... had a joint meeting during TPAC
   ... payments from automotive
   ... would very much appreciate if you could introduce your
   managers, partners, etc.
   ... to get auto-centric use cases
   ... please introduce me to people appropriate in your

OCF demo at CES

   wonsuk: would like to show a video
   ... OCF Automotive project
   ... to make a standard for communication between automotive and

   <wonsuk_> [18]


   wonsuk: we made a demo and showed it at CES
   ... link above
   ... please take a look
   ... any other topics for today?


   [ adjourned ]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [19]scribe.perl version
    1.148 ([20]CVS log)
    $Date: 2017/01/10 18:26:43 $



Received on Tuesday, 10 January 2017 18:51:41 UTC