Meeting Agenda for W3C Automotive and Web Platform BG July Conf Call

Proposed Agenda:

·         W3C Automotive WG Charter Draft (Adam) – Charter to focus on having WG focus on driving the vehicle data web API spec as initial work

·         Media Tuner Manager/IVI Radio (Craig?) – Is the public information enough to either start drafting a spec or to start with some use cases?  What more is needed?  GENIVI is asking for more specific information that’s needed by the group.  Anyone look at the TV Tuner work that the W3C TV Interest Group has put together?

·         Vehicle Spec review (Paul/Kevron/Justin)
Potential final public draft of specs end of July/August/Sept?

Break out after group meeting: Deep dive discussion with core spec team (Paul/Kevron/Justin/Vadim/Aldric)

Any other topics?  I think this will be a short meeting.


Received on Monday, 7 July 2014 22:12:53 UTC