Re: Announcement - Final Specs posted for Vehicle Data and Vehicle Information Interfaces

On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 6:50 AM, Andersson, Gunnar
<> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
>> -------- Message original --------
>> Sujet: Announcement - Final Specs posted for Vehicle Data and Vehicle
>> Information Interfaces
>> Date de renvoi : Thu, 04 Dec 2014 21:06:38 +0000
>> De (renvoi) :
>> De : Abramski, Adam M <>
>> Pour : <>
>> Copie à : Abramski, Adam M <>
>> Hi all,
>> We just wanted to formally announce that this business group has finalized
>> the spec that we've been working on for the past 22 months and since the
>> formation of this group in Feb 2013.  This is a major milestone as this is
>> the first spec the group has created!
> It is indeed.  Good job.
>> As you all are hopefully aware, the W3C, Paul and I are in the process of
>> forming a W3C Working Group that will specifically address the needs and
>> nuances in the automotive industry and web technology.  The charter is here
>> for those of you who haven't seen it or would like to view it:
>> So this final Vehicle Data and Information spec we just finished will be
>> the starting point for the working group to work on and hopefully deliver a
>> W3C standard web spec in due course.  Pointers to the spec:
> I have to start with my sincere apologies for doing exactly the wrong
> thing which is to provide review input after release instead of in due
> time.
> But we all have our jobs and I simply have not had the focus to review W3C
> work.  I've previously only tracked some of the input coming from GENIVI
> members in this area and I was now only opening the document to check it
> quickly out of interest.  Unfortunately my eyes immediately spotted a spelling
> mistake, which I found odd, so that led me to simply run it through a spell
> checker.  I think you missed running a spell check so there are some minor
> language fixes needed for the next version.

Yes, we know there are many issues like the ones you have likely
found.  I plan on continuing to correct these errors in upstream
github[1] until the spec becomes an official W3C specification.  I
have a 150+ line patch almost ready to push that fixes some of the
issues identified so far.

> Going through the false positives in the spell check also caused me to see a
> few other small issues.  Mainly that the enum names are somewhat inconsistent
> if looking across the whole spec (under_score, CamelCase and combinedwords).
> Again, sorry for late feedback and you will have to decide how to handle this
> -- keep it, fix it, use deprecation or whatever...  It's not major.  I'm not
> sure how "final" those definitions are now - as you indicated it isn't a W3C
> standard yet after all.
> So I now have this feedback as a diff with comment bubbles in Microsoft
> Word format - how would you prefer to have it delivered? Maybe it could
> provide some input for a future version nonetheless. It is a very good
> starting point you have created here!

A github pull request is the prefered method for submitting changes.
Github issues is the prefered method for raising issues.


[1] -

> Congratulations and Best Regards,
> - Gunnar
> --
> Gunnar Andersson
> Lead Architect, GENIVI AllianceInfotainment, Volvo Car Corporation
> [trimmed]
>> Sincerely,
>> Adam & Paul
>> Adam M Abramski
>> Product Planner
>> Internet of Things Group/Transportation Solutions Division
>> 503-264-8269 (o)
>> 503-550-7910 (m)

Received on Friday, 5 December 2014 16:16:54 UTC