W3C meeting next week

Hi all,

Adam and I discussed that we'll be going ahead with the meeting next Tuesday. I'll be chairing this one. We'll be using the times below. I'd like to apologize for everyone inconvenienced, and hope that it's some consolation that the next meeting will be less so as our meeting schedule continues to rotate around the world.

Tuesday, November 12
6AM – 7AM (Pacific)
9AM – 10AM (Eastern)
2PM – 3PM (GMT)
3PM – 4PM (CET)
11PM – 12AM (KST/JST)

Call-in information:
Moderator name: Andy Gryc
Conference ID: 9197779
US/Canada toll-free dial-in number: +1-855-453-6977
US/Canada local dial-in number: +1-416-933-3861
*Global and International
                  toll free dial-in number: http://www.services-bell.com/tollfree

* Global toll-free service provides a single toll-free number that can be dialed from the 21 participating countries. International toll free service provides a toll-free number per participating country.


  *   Ongoing standards work and QNX first draft
  *   Discuss open issues and assumptions (set/get, webidl, optional/mandatory/supported, units & types, "unrealistic" signals)
  *   Current assignments and deadlines
  *   Make decisions on next face-to-face: location, time, purpose.

The calendar invite is attached—you should be able to open it and add to your calendar at the appropriate local time.

Thank you, have a great weekend, and talk to you next week.

-- Andy
Andy Gryc ("Grits")
Senior Automotive Product Marketing Manager
Ottawa, Canada (Eastern Daylight Time/UTC – 4:00)
truegryc.blogspot.com; Twitter: @truegryc
[qnx-sig-small]| qnx.com<http://www.qnx.com/>

Received on Friday, 8 November 2013 19:06:22 UTC