Auto WG teleconference schedule

At the F2F in California and on Tuesday's call we discussed how our
current alternating schedule is suboptimal, either rather late in
Europe or early on West Coast of North America. Those in Eastern North
America are smack dab in the middle.

From the West Coast we heard 8am a reasonable start time and Europe
10pm as a reasonable end time. That gives us five hour slots to work
with. Alternating has caused confusion so there was a preference to
stay with one time. As for day of the week, Mondays are a bad idea
given roving holidays internationally and Fridays could interfere with
weekend plans so we are limiting choices to Tuesday through Thursday.

Please try to fill this in before our next call on Tuesday so we can
decide on a preferable time.

Ted Guild <>
W3C Automotive Lead

Received on Thursday, 26 September 2019 16:38:57 UTC