[Reminder] Auto WG call

We have an Auto Working Group call at Tuesday at 1700 EDT, 2200 GMT,
2300 CET, 0330 IST, 0600 CST, 0700 JST/KST, 1400 PDT


Calendar: https://www.w3.org/2018/auto-wg.ics
(access limited to Member or Auto WG/BG)

Location: Telephone, SIP, WebRTC capable browser or WebEx client

WebEx and WebRTC (in capable browser) interface will allow you to
provide a dial out number, reversing the international long distance
to MIT.




Most smartphones can handle the tel URI to dial in and supply the
access code or you can manually dial.

+1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number
Access code: 642 623 136

Please also connect to IRC


IRC web client http://irc.w3.org/?channel=auto
Ted Guild <ted@w3.org>
W3C Automotive Lead

Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2019 15:10:31 UTC