from September 2016 by subject

[Genivi-ad-hoc-sec] Security Team F2 at AMM

[Minutes] Auto WG 2016-09-06

auto-ACTION-23: Talk with hashimoto-san about if it would make sense to have a joint session with the security wg/ig during tpac

auto-ACTION-24: Check what we need for use cases to support the spec

auto-ACTION-25: Make a list of actions for the service spec(what needs to be done in the following months.)

Fwd: [Genivi-ad-hoc-sec] Security Team F2 at AMM

GSMA IoT Security Guidelines documents


Resend: VSS/Vehicle data consideration

Tentative agenda for f2f meeting in Lisbon

Tentative agenda for joint meeting between WoT IG and Automotive WG

VSS Presentation

VSS/Vehicle data consideration

WebAppSec and Auto WG discussion during TPAC

Last message date: Tuesday, 27 September 2016 15:21:22 UTC