Task Forces


Thanks for the below.  I have added my notes to the wiki here https://www.w3.org/auto/wg/wiki/Main_Page#Task_Forces

See my comments in-line.

Paul J. Boyes | INRIX | Director of Telematics and Standards - OpenCar  |  206-276-9675 | paul.boyes@inrix.com<mailto:bryan@inrix.com> | www.inrix.com<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.inrix.com_&d=BQMFAg&c=QbuapHRvbn0JdC8vTVkPHg&r=PRAN7lum5Ra662QLho8LU3bhFjBvLXn3bBkFbW0Amjo&m=V5l0WXfOEJwhcE0JsN06mQ5SQhpXL-DuAuK3YcnTZoc&s=OqQVi_DcS5rv8or8hZdFvY0re6YF0Wl-_8okxrxOF0w&e=>

On May 4, 2016, at 3:02 AM, ta-hirabayashi@kddi-ri.jp<mailto:ta-hirabayashi@kddi-ri.jp> wrote:

I am wondering if you could share your ideas about the following
questions with everyone, members' bringing some materials and draft
contents at the earliest opportunity(e.g. in July f2f).

As of now, Powell is going to propose format for service spec.  Rudi and I are looking at VSS.  I will also look at Data Spec and propose how it will be affected.

- How many parts does our spec consist of ?
- Which part of spec can be separately standardized ?
- Which part of spec will we keep the current timeline ?

Great questions.  I highly suggest these questions be answered before the next phone meeting.  In other words, the task forces should meet and decide.  I suggest each task force have a lead.  But before we get to that.  Everyone who was not at the meeting and is interested in a task force, please add yourself to the ones you are interested in.  Please do so by COB Friday.   As for timeline, I believe we should be complete by Q2 of 2017 or Q1 if you wish to be aggressive.  What do you think?  We can work backwards from there.

We, KDDI can fully support the conformance testing until March of 2017,
but can hardly expect it after this timeline.

This is great and it puts an emphasis on Q1 2017 as the timeline.  Thanks KDDI!!

As for ourselves, we have some reasons the current timeline in charter
could not be so easily changed.

I understand.  Comments anyone else on timeline?

Your understanding and cooperation would be appreciated in advance.

Received on Thursday, 5 May 2016 03:56:40 UTC