Re: Minutes 2015-05-05 and 2015-05-19

Thanks Ted for sending out the conf minutes.
For the comments I raised today, here is the summary:
-   [data_spec] nullable and non-nullable attribute definition, I suggest we need a clear statement that why some attributes are defined as nullable, while some are defined as non-nullable.
-   Discovery API: to discover the list of vehicle data interfaces, here I give an example of the Web IDL definition of Discovery API. I think we need a further discussion on whether this is suitable.-   [data_spec] Use-Cases is not consistent with the interface function defined, I suggest we need rewrite the Use-Cases section, since some use cases described there are not covered in the existing interface -   [vehicle_spec] enum type ZonePosition, here I mention there might be an mistake of the Zone interface definition
-  [vehicle_spec] Minor mistakes, this is just some minor mistakes about grammer
------------------------------------------------------------------From:Ted Guild <>Send Time:2015年5月20日(星期三) 01:34To:public-automotive <>Subject:Minutes 2015-05-05 and 2015-05-19Minutes for today's and the previous call are available online.  I would appreciate clarification from Qing An on his comments todayabout issues he raised on github since audio quality of the call was notvery clear. Ted Guild <>W3C Systems Team

Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2015 02:49:48 UTC