Re: Proposed Agenda With Times for This Weeks F2F

Here is an updated agenda with breakfast and afternoon break:

Tuesday 7/28

8:30am – Continental Breakfast

9am - 9:30 - Introductions/Agenda Refinement

9:30am - 11am - Specification Issues

11am - 12pm - Security - Craig Smith

12pm - 1pm - Lunch

1pm - 2pm - Privacy and Security Update - Junichi Hashimoto

2pm - 3pm - Privacy - Greg Brannon

3pm – 3:15pm – Afternoon Break

3:15pm - 4:30pm - Breakout Sessions (as needed/desired by group)

4:30pm - 5pm - Recap and Agenda for 7/29

Wednesday 7/29

TBD Items to Include:  Testing Framework, Agenda for October F2F

8:30am – Continental Breakfast

9am - 9:30 - Recap of Day 1

3pm – 3:15pm – Afternoon Break

Paul J. Boyes
Mobile:   206-276-9675
Skype:  pauljboyes

Received on Monday, 27 July 2015 18:13:44 UTC