Re: Request approval to merge PR32


Wilco, FYI, not sure why my comments show as pending.

Warm regards,

Charu Pandhi
Accesibility Tooling and Automation lead
IBM Accessibility Research
 (512) 286 6370, T/L 363 6370
      Vice President, SWE Southwest Texas

From:   Wilco Fiers <>
To:     Auto-WCAG List <>
Date:   04/13/2017 10:22 AM
Subject:        Request approval to merge PR32

Hi everyone,
Please review the following pull request:

It has updated all of our published rules to the new format (seehttps:// If you 
have any comments please leave them here. If you approve, the merge, 
please reply with a +1

Wilco Fiers
Senior Accessibility Engineer - Co-facilitator WCAG-ACT - Chair Auto-WCAG

Received on Friday, 14 April 2017 15:18:43 UTC