Minutes for Teleconference on 11 June 2015

Automated WCAG Monitoring Community Group
Teleconference 2015-06-11, 16:00 - 16:25 h (CEST)

Participants: Frank, Kamyar, Twan, Birkir, Wilco (chair), Annika (scribe)

ITEM 1: Action items
See updated list in the wiki [1].

ITEM 2: Announcements Auto-WCAG workshop

* Shadi suggested to have a joint call with ERT during the workshop. 
Shadi is going to send an agenda.
* On the second day of the workshop  you can help improve a new W3C WAI 
tool for web developers, designers, and evaluators! We have a prototype 
that we'd love for you to try out and give us feedback on. Eric Eggert, 
from WAI, will be here on Tuesday, June 16th. If you have a spare 20 
minutes, please sign up to take a look at the prototype.

ITEM 3: Plan test cases for workshop

Wilco: Main goal of the workshop is to finish the test that are already 
under development [2].

Birkir and Twan will work on 2.4.2 and 1.3.1.
Frank and Twan will work on AV-media tests.
Annika and Kamyar will work on 3.2.2 and 3.2.3.
Wilco will work on the "will be implemented" from [3]
He will also introduce the test case development to Shadi and Eric.

ITEM 4 Review SC2-4-5-multiple-ways [4]

Annika's comments:
* Change assumption: G185 is excluded.
* Add explanation for "related web page".
* Remove "site map" from step 1.

Frank's comments: Don't change the selector. This test is applied to 
each page separately.

Kamyar's comments:
* Add test name.
* Add a step after step 3 to check the quality of the sitemap (G63). The 
quality criteria of a site map are no broken links and includes links of 
primary and secondary navigation.
* Add assumption about G126.

ITEM 5: Review SC1-4-1-a [5]
Wilco: most issues from last week are addressed.

6) Final thoughts

Next week (2015-06-15 until 2015-06-17): Workshop in Utrecht!
No telecon on Thursday 2015-06-18.
Next regular teleconference is on 2015-06-25.


[2] https://www.w3.org/community/auto-wcag/wiki/Category:Review
[3] https://www.w3.org/community/auto-wcag/wiki/EIII_checker_tests



Received on Thursday, 11 June 2015 15:27:18 UTC