eval tools (was: Auto-wcag promotion and communication)

On 10.10.2014 14:01, John Hicks wrote:
> Hello everyone
> In France we have Urbilog and Temesis who have both developped automatic
> accessibility software.
> By the way there is a full list of existing tools on the W3C page.

In case people don't know, we are currently updating this (outdated) 
list. Here is a sneak-preview of the latest design iteration:
  - http://w3c.github.io/wai-eval-tools/

Please ask any tool vendors that you may know (or that you represent) to 
provide updated data for the new launch of this tools list:
  - http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/tools/submission

Also, ERT WG is developing a "Guide to Features of Web Accessibility 
Evaluation Tools", which also addresses evaluation tool developers:
  - http://www.w3.org/TR/WAET/

Please help spread the word :)


Shadi Abou-Zahra - http://www.w3.org/People/shadi/
Activity Lead, W3C/WAI International Program Office
Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT WG)
Research and Development Working Group (RDWG)

Received on Friday, 10 October 2014 12:40:15 UTC